Picture of cell phone and bluetooh earpiece

There are several types of driver distraction:

  • Visual – eyes on road
  • Manual – hands on wheel
  • Auditory – sound from outside the vehicle
  • Cognitive or Mental – mind on driving

Cell phones are unique from other forms of driver distraction because they usually involve all forms of distraction.

Many people tend to focus on visual and manual distractions. However, mental distraction is very risky because people do not always recognize they are mentally distracted and this distraction lasts much longer than the other two types. There is a false perception that hands-free phones are safer than handheld. But research has found no safety benefits to hands-free use. Think about how often you turn down the volume on the radio when looking for a specific address!

Risks of Driving While Talking on a Cell Phone:

  • Four times as likely to be in crashes resulting in injury or property damage
  • More likely to commit driver errors and traffic violations
  • Slower reaction time than drivers impaired at the 0.08 alcohol concentration level
  • Looking but failing to see up to 50 percent of the driving environment
  • More than one-third of the brain's processing resources are drawn away from driving tasks

Play it safe and keep your eyes – and your mind – on the road!

Source: National Safety Council

Categorized in:

  • Seasonal Driving Tips
  • Injury Prevention