
October 2011


CSA Hazardous Materials Threshold Revised

In a recent SMS release, FMCSA announced refined criteria to determine which motor carriers are subject to the more stringent hazardous materials intervention threshold. The intervention threshold will now be based upon operational evidence. { more }

Commercial Drivers Targeted by Criminals in Staged Crashes

The NICB warns of criminals who target innocent drivers through staged crashes in an attempt to defraud insurance companies of millions of dollars. Drivers of commercial vehicles are at an increased risk of being targeted because their vehicles are usually well insured. { more }

Prevent Workplace Accidents with a Hazards Assessment

Before you can establish a safety and health policy for your company, you must identify the hazards and assess the risks associated with the dangers that exist in your specific workplace. { more }


SAFETY MESSAGE: Follow OSHA Guidelines to Reduce Crashes

According to NHTSA, motor vehicle crashes cost employers $60 billion each year in medical care, legal expenses, property damage and lost productivity. An average crash costs $16,500, while crashes that result in injury cost $74,000 and fatal crashes cost employers more than $500,000 each. These employer expenses drive up the cost of benefits, including workers’ compensation, Social Security, and private health and disability insurance.

Nearly all of these crashes are preventable and you have the opportunity to help reduce the number your drivers experience. Together with NHTSA and NETS, OSHA has compiled a set of guidelines to help employers implement effective driver safety programs.


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Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.
1099 North Meridian Street, Suite 700 | Indianapolis, IN 46204
(800) 644-5501 | Fax: (317) 632-9444